Jesteś tutaj już ...

Jesteś tutaj już przez:


Nie trzeba tłumaczyć.

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<body onLoad="window.setTimeout('getSecs()',1)">


//       This script is written by Patrick Meirmans
//       If you want to use it, send me an e-mail at
//       and be sure to include your URL, I'ld like to see how you used it
//       If you have mailed me you are free to change this script
//       anyway you like
//       by the way, my homepage is at:
//       You might want to take a look at it.

startday = new Date();
clockStart = startday.getTime();
function initStopwatch()
 var myTime = new Date();
        var timeNow = myTime.getTime();
        var timeDiff = timeNow - clockStart;
        this.diffSecs = timeDiff/1000;
function getSecs()
        var mySecs = initStopwatch();
        var mySecs1 = ""+mySecs;
        mySecs1= mySecs1.substring(0,mySecs1.indexOf("."));
        if (mySecs1==60) {alert("jesteś tutaj już 60 sekund ...") }
        if (mySecs1==333) {alert("jesteś tutaj już 333 sekundy...") }
        if (mySecs1==666) {alert("jesteś tutaj już 666 sekund ...") }
        if (mySecs1==999) {alert("Ciągle jesteś zainteresowany tą stroną; to już 999 sekund...") }
//       To get rid of the alerts, you can just delete the three lines above
//       or just one or two of them
//       Change the 333, 666 and 999 to whatever you like
//       For the messages, just change the text between the " "
//       to whatever you like,
//       Have fun!!

<P><form name="tijd"><P>
<center>Jesteś tutaj już przez:
<input size=4 name=hiero>